Wednesday, 3 November 2010

Viral Marketing for The Dark Knight

As more modern techniques and higher budgets are being achieved, viral marketing is being used more and more within the film industry for advertising the films, and creating enigma within the audience. This leads to campaigns where objects and characters reach out from the film and into real life, creating a huge buzz within the audience. A good example of this is "The Dark Knight", the most recent Batman film, from Christopher Nolan. In this viral campaign groups of people supporting Harvey Dent and the Joker created factions in different cities. An online version of the fictional newspaper The Gotham Times arrived and was followed by numerous websites, including a defaced Joker version of the paper called The Ha Ha Ha Times and even a website for the Gotham City Rail with a subway map of the city. The Joker placed objects from the film to create clues for his fans to follow and posters were put up around the
world and in America. This created a huge hype for The Dark Knight, and made fans a lot more

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